[the palaverist]

Thursday, January 27, 2011

[how not to apply for a job]

The following is an opening paragraph that I won't be using for a cover letter (for an internal position, peeps — I'm not leaving Google!).

I feel it’s important to write you and express my firm point of view that a sense of humor is not an appropriate job qualification. Those of us who were not blessed with this sixth sense at birth nevertheless deserve to be taken seriously (ever so seriously) as candidates for any and all roles that don’t expressly have ‘comedy’ or ‘comedian’ in the title. I think, for example, that we need more humorless talk show hosts, postal workers, and veterinarians, who could bring the appropriate seriousness to the tasks of celebrity chitchat, mail delivery, and cat-sticking respectively.
Yes, snow does cause brain damage. Why do you ask?

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